El PGD Tom Haydon recibió en la tarde del martes, 28 de noviembre la noticia del fallecimiento de la Pasada Gobernadora, Mona Gordon, de parte de su hijo Richard.
Mona Gordon se distinguió en nuestro Distrito en ser la primera mujer
(1) Presidenta del Club Rotario de San Juan
(2) Asistente del Gobernador en el Distrito y
(3) Gobernadora del Distrito para el año Rotario 2002-2003.
En nombre del GD José "Pepito" Rivero Olmedo y de todo el Equipo del Distrito Rotario 7000 rogamos al Todopoderoso por el eterno descanso de esta líder del Rotarismo en Puerto Rico y brindamos nuestro más sentido pésame a toda su familia.
EL PGD TOM Haydon comparte las expresiones de su hijo Richard al comunicar la triste noticia.
Thomas, please share this message with fellow Rotarians and friends.
Mona Gordon died peacefully this morning in Plymouth Harbor, Sarasota, Florida where she has resided since leaving Puerto Rico in 2006. Her three loving sons were with her holding her hands and offering words of love, comfort and encouragement as she passed. She was in no apparent pain and did not suffer. She had endured many years of declining health brought on by a disease that robbed her of her ability to speak. Nevertheless, her children were in frequent contact with her during her decline and she was able to communicate her understanding through subtle gesture, her superbly intelligent jade-green eyes and beautiful kind smile.
Puerto Rico was her true home and after 50 years living there we can honestly call her a native daughter. She considered her Rotary Governorship to be her supreme accomplishment professionally and was a dedicated Rotarian to the end.
Mona was a loving, gentle mother and a kind and compassionate soul. I will never forget the time when I was a little boy and she took in and sheltered a young boy who had run away from a local orphanage. She fed him and gave him clean clothes as if he were her own. I do not know what befell him ultimately but I saw her loving kindness and commitment to reducing suffering in others in all that she did, putting others before herself, offering leadership by example, always striving for excellence. Her memory will remain lovingly enveloped within us forever.
She is survived by her three sons and six grandchildren.
Richard Gordon
A continuación le presentamos un artículo en el Caribbean Business durante la Gobernación de Mona Gordon, QEPD.